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Photo of Ellen Kirk

Ellen Kirk

VP - Strategic Marketing & Business Development, oneNav

Ellen is the VP Strategic Marketing and Business Development at oneNav. Ellen’s career in location technology began at cellular operator AirTouch, which propelled her onto the executive team at SnapTrack, helping lead the company from a high-tech, venture-backed startup through its $1 billion acquisition by Qualcomm. Ellen’s accomplishments at SnapTrack included extensive operator, public safety, regulatory, and government lobbying to effect the FCC rule change which defined handset-based location as a compliant solution for wireless E9-1-1, and creating global awareness of assisted GPS as the dominant methodology for locating two-way wireless devices. At Qualcomm, Ellen led efforts to generate chip pull through by leveraging embedded location and drove worldwide adoption of A-GPS by GSM and UMTS operators. Ellen holds B.A. and Master of Chemical Engineering degrees from Rice University and an MBA from Harvard.

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What's on Event Schedule

Over 20 talks covering MilSatcom, Space Based ISR & Earth Observation, Space Based Navigation, Space Domain Awareness, National programmes and Space Security & Cyber Strategies.

View the 2024 Schedule Path

Sept. 10 — 11 2024. Kings Place, London.

  • Milsatcom
  • Space ISR
  • Space Domain Awareness
  • Earth Observation
  • Geospatial
  • Multi-Orbits
  • Satcom
  • Space Security
  • PNT
  • Defence Industry
  • Space Industry
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