Diana Luncă
Unlocking Space for Dual Use Senior Project Lead, UK Space Agency
Diana is currently leading the Unlocking Space for Dual Use (USD) Programme in UK Space Agency’s Investment directorate. She has been in the Agency for three years, having a background in policy development in the UKSA Launch directorate.
The USD Programme aims to pursue opportunities for Dual Use, to identify potential barriers across space value chains, and to develop interventions to address these barriers in order to allow organisation to operate across the civil and defence areas of the space sectors.
As part of the USD scoping exercise, UK Space Agency published a Request for Information (RFI) to collate space sector views on dual use best practice and potential barriers to delivery, which now inform the Unlocking Space for Dual Use project development.
The presentation delivered as part of the Defence in Space conference has the purpose of summarising the RFI findings and of providing an update on their contribution to the future of the USD Programme.